por thespanishhamonline | Mar 9, 2020 | 100% Bellota, Anchovies, appetizer, Bellota 100%, Bellota 50%, Bellota ham, blog, cebo de campo hams, Curiosities, D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura, D.O. hams, dehesa de extremadura, gastronomy, gourmet cuisine, ham, ham's skin, how to use ham's skin, huelva, iberico Bellota, Iberico ham, jabugo, jabugo-huelva, Jamonarium, pernil 181, salamanca, Serrano from Salamanca, Serrano ham, shoulder hams, Spanish Bellota, spanish food, spanish gastronomy, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra"
Ham and shoulder iberico bellota and serrano skin is the great forgotten at the time to consume or/and profit our ham. It is normally used to avoid overdry the ham but, did you know it can also be used and flavour enhancer or to make pig rinds? It is well known that...
por thespanishhamonline | Sep 15, 2018 | Curiosities, Wine
The harvesting has been anticipated this year due to a warmer summer and other factors. Usually, this year the collection has been advanced around ten days. In other areas such as the DO Wines of Madrid, they have already finished their harvesting. The time when the...
por thespanishhamonline | Feb 10, 2018 | Arcos, arcos knife, Barcelona, blog, Christmas, Christmas days, Curiosities, Cut Spanish ham, gifts, ham, holidays, iberico Bellota, Iberico ham, Jamonarium, knife sharpener, Knifes, pernil 181, Promotion, Serrano ham, shoulder hams, Sliced Spanish ham, slicing knife, Spanish Bellota, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra"
Did you know that ham knifes have a fundamental role on its quality? There is nothing better for Christmas than a good Iberian ham. This may not sound Greek to you but, did you know how to use them properly? Let me make a brief introduction for you: traditional...
por thespanishhamonline | Ene 26, 2018 | Anchovies, anchovies in olive oil, Barcelona, blog, canned fish, canned tuna, Curiosities, gastronomy, gourmet cuisine, Jamonarium, natural antioxidants., oleic acid, Omega 3, pernil 181, premium food, Seafood, small sardines, summer, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra", Vitamin D
Sardines and anchovies are very appreciated in and outside Spain. I propose to get into the history of Sardinophilie or Sardines . Sometimes, sardines are used in idioms with not good fame . We use it as a comparison when we talk public transport or when it does need...
por thespanishhamonline | Dic 25, 2017 | Barcelona, blog, Celebrations, Christmas, Christmas days, Curiosities, events, gastronomy, holidays, Jamonarium, pernil 181, Promotion, spanish gastronomy, Top "pata negra", Wine
Jamonarium’s team wants to wish you a happy new year year 2018 and we want you to end this year 2017 as worthy: with a good spanish ham and a good wine. We would like to see you around during the next year, we will be very happy to keep helping you and bring you...
por thespanishhamonline | Dic 19, 2017 | 100% Bellota, Barcelona, Bellota 100%, Bellota 50%, Bellota ham, blog, Boned Spanish ham, cebo de campo hams, Celebrations, Christmas days, Curiosities, Cut Spanish ham, D.O. Dehesa de Extremadura, D.O. hams, dehesa de extremadura, Dehesas, gastronomy, geographical indications, ham, holidays, huelva, iberico Bellota, Iberico ham, jabugo, jabugo-huelva, Jamonarium, nutrition, pernil 181, protected geographical indication, salamanca, Serrano from Salamanca, Serrano ham, Sliced Spanish ham, Spanish Bellota, spanish food, spanish gastronomy, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra"
To preserve different sort of foods may suppose a big deal. Some in the fridge, some others outside … What a mess! Something similar happens with hams. Depending on the format of the ham (whole, boneless or sliced), the ways of preserving it may vary. In order...
por thespanishhamonline | Dic 6, 2017 | Alicante Nougat, appetizer, Barcelona, blog, Celebrations, Christmas, Christmas days, Curiosities, gastronomy, gourmet cuisine, holidays, Jamonarium, Nougat, nougat history, nutrition, nuts, pernil 181, premium food, Promotion, spanish food, spanish gastronomy, spanish nougat, Spanish Turrón, traditionally made, Turrón
There is no more typical-Christmas food than nougat. Nutty, chocolate, classic… and more. Each time, the nougat is more consumed throughout the year (like ice cream), it has always been a Christmas-food reference and its different festivities. As many things, It...
por thespanishhamonline | Nov 17, 2017 | Alicante Nougat, appetizer, appetizers, Barcelona, blog, Celebrations, Christmas, Christmas days, Curiosities, events, gastronomy, gifts, gourmet cuisine, ham, holidays, Jamonarium, Nougat, pernil 181, premium food, spanish food, spanish gastronomy, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra", Turrón
There are customs that we preserve, convinced that they are typical for our land and Spanish culture. A strong tradition at this time is that of giving away customers, employees or friends a basket full of food and drinks. It is the famous and expected «Christmas...
por thespanishhamonline | Nov 3, 2017 | appetizer, blog, Celebrations, Curiosities, events, Foie Gras, gastronomy, gourmet cuisine, Jamonarium, Paté, Pâté, pernil 181, premium food, Promotion, spanish food, spanish gastronomy, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra", Uncategorized, Vitamin A, Vitamin D
We love appetizers, and what about you? Going out to drink some wine with some good toasts or some delicious appetizers is one of the best pleasures for your palate. With the arrival of the autumn and the different celebrations by these days, some appetizers are the...
por thespanishhamonline | Oct 17, 2017 | appetizer, artisan cheese, Barcelona, blog, cheese, Curiosities, food for athletes, gastronomy, Jamonarium, manchego cheese, manxego cheese, nutrition, nutrition for sportspeople, pernil 181, premium food, Promotion, protein-rich cheese, proteins, Spanish cheese, spanish food, spanish gastronomy, sport, Top "pata negra", Uncategorized
Manchego cheese is one of best cheese manufactured in Spain, since it is delicious and very healthy. Manchego cheese is very healthy per its nutritional values, which contribute to our organism in many and very different ways. But, did you know cheese is a...
por thespanishhamonline | Ago 1, 2017 | Barcelona, best tuna in spain, blog, canned fish, canned tuna, canned tuna Dardo, conservas dardo, Curiosities, fish tuna, food for athletes, gastronomy, holidays, Jamonarium, Low price, natural antioxidants., nutrition for sportspeople, oleic acid, Omega 3, Promotion, spanish food, summer, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra", tuna, tuna for the summer, tune good for the health
During the summer, we prefer to eat fresh and light meals, aren’t we? If those meals are easy to prepare and bringing them to the pool or the beach, even better. We don’t know what about you, but we thing tuna is the most recurrent ingredientfor the summer...
por thespanishhamonline | Jul 12, 2017 | Curiosities, events, food for athletes, Jamonarium, nutrition for sportspeople, sport, tour de france
The different stages of the Tour de France are a huge burden for the body. Proper nutrition plays an important role, so that the body can perform and recover. To what extent can mountain stage influence on reserves becomes obvious when we compare the average calorie...
por thespanishhamonline | May 17, 2017 | 100% Bellota, Bellota ham, Boned Spanish ham, Curiosities, Cut Spanish ham, Dehesas, events, food for athletes, gastronomy, gifts, iberico Bellota, Iberico ham, Jamonarium, natural antioxidants., premium food, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Top "pata negra", Uncategorized
“Maladúa” the world’s most expensive ham costs 4,100€ a leg. No doubt Spanish Brand “Dehesa Maladúa” is the world’s most expensive ham. it was recently prized with the charcuterie world’s equivalent of an Oscar in Biofach – Nuremberg. The Europe’s leading...
por thespanishhamonline | Abr 12, 2017 | Celebrations, Curiosities, Extremadura, gastronomy, paella, Recipes, Salmorejo, Seafood, shellfish, Tuna "Bonito del Norte"
The potatoes omelette. A very simple and typical of all Spanish territory. It is said that comes from Navarra, but the truth is that it can not be attributed to a particular place and you can enjoy it anywhere. With or without onion is its main variant, and convenient...
por thespanishhamonline | Ene 2, 2017 | Bellota ham, blog, Curiosities, Iberico ham, Spanish ham, Uncategorized
The Iberian pig is raised in four areas of Spain: Salamanca, Extremadura, Cordoba and Huelva; areas of dehesas full of acorns from which pigs feed in the Montanera time. Salamanca: Guijuelo area in Salamanca is where the prestigious Guijuelo ham is raised, its...
por thespanishhamonline | Oct 7, 2016 | 100% Bellota, Celebrations, Christmas, Curiosities, gastronomy, Jamonarium, Promotion, Raffle, Wine
Still have not heard about it? We give a hamper of products valued at 350 € Jamonarium! We fulfill 5 years sending hams and gourmet products throughout Europe, and we want to celebrate it with you. Takde part in this draw and win this great hamper composed of our...
por thespanishhamonline | Ago 23, 2016 | blog, Celebrations, Curiosities, events, gastronomy, tapas
The end of the month is approaching and with it the almost definitive goodbye to summer time. But not everything was going to be negative because, as every September 29th, we celebrate the Día Mundial de la Tapa (World Day of Tapas). Which originally referred to a...
por thespanishhamonline | Mar 15, 2016 | Bellota ham, Curiosities, events, gastronomy, ham, ham croquettes, Jamonarium, Recipes, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Super Serrano, tapas, Top "pata negra"
Ingredients Butter Flour Milk Olive oil Spanish ham (or whatever you want to add) Onion Salt Pepper Nutmeg Egg Bread crumbs Preparation We chop Spanish ham and onion in small pieces. We add a spoonful of butter and another of olive oil in a pan. We add the onion...
por thespanishhamonline | Ene 4, 2016 | Bellota ham, Curiosities, gastronomy, Iberico ham, Serrano ham, Spanish Bellota, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Uncategorized, Wine
The word “diet” it was always the equivalent to be starving, summer time, bikini… But not always the results go attached to the “effort” word. Some specialist indicated that, adding a glass of wine and serrano or iberian ham to your diet, it helps to lose weight....
por thespanishhamonline | Nov 11, 2015 | 100% Bellota, Bellota ham, Curiosities, Cut Spanish ham, gastronomy, iberico Bellota, Iberico ham, Low price, natural antioxidants., premium food, Spanish Bellota, Spanish cheese, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra
Madrid became a city characterized by diversity. Here becomes the saying «if you want, you have it». Often such diversity makes difficult to find a new bar and the feeling in quicksand and resign ourselves to return to the usual bar. Madrid is a place where even in...
por thespanishhamonline | Oct 20, 2015 | Curiosities
Generally, we all know that the PDO is a concept that distinguishes products in the area from which it comes. That is, the characteristics of the product and must be essential to the geographical environment in which it is produced, processed and prepared. But what...
por thespanishhamonline | Sep 23, 2015 | Barcelona, Celebrations, Curiosities, events, gastronomy
An event that is organized every two years with a delicious gastronomic activities program for all ages, lectures, master classes, workshops, tastings, tastings, and recreational and cultural activities… The fifth edition of Popular Food Festival is...
por thespanishhamonline | Sep 23, 2015 | Curiosities, events, Uncategorized
They try to turn around the gastronomy scene of Madrid, it is being advertised as the first big event in the country that combines gastronomy and design, it is called Big Food and it will be happening at Matadero Madrid the 25-26-27 of September. With this activity...
por thespanishham | Jun 20, 2014 | 100% Bellota, Barcelona, Bellota ham, Celebrations, Curiosities, Cut Spanish ham, iberico Bellota, Iberico ham, Jamonarium, Low price, Spanish ham, Spanish Pata negra, Super Serrano, Top "pata negra"
Celebrate Midsummer with Jamonarium, these kind of celebrations are always special moments to get together with family and friends, have a unforgettable celebration with excellent Iberian Products. Test our best bellota products thanks to the “Sliced Packs”, there you...
por thespanishham | Sep 23, 2013 | Curiosities, Spanish ham
We found a good number of stamps related to the pig as animal present in many cultures around the world. We see that there are many ways to decorate with this animal a stamp.