How to preserve and consume your ham?

To preserve different sort of foods may suppose a big deal. Some in the fridge, some others outside … What a mess! Something similar happens with hams. Depending on the format of the ham (whole, boneless or sliced), the ways of preserving it may vary. In order...

Sorts of Iberian Ham: we clear it up

Every Iberian ham is normally known as Jamón de Jabugo or Jamón de Pata Negra without taking into account the purity of the pig’s breed. We’re sorry to break your knowledge down, but it isn’t as it seems. Beforehand, it is not easy to distinguish...

Casa Riera Ordeix: the best worldwide Salchichón of Vic

Why are the salchichon and fuet from Vic so special? After 160 years of tradition, everything remains the same. Their manufacturing and drying methods… it seems to be back in 1852. The time stops. Well, let’s go to the point. In this post we are going to...