As you may already know, years ago the regulation of the labeling of Iberian ham, and its different types, was changed, with the aim of creating an identification system that certifies the producer’s elaboration system and guarantees the consumer, a total honesty in the product you buy.

All hams and shoulders contain this information on the seal, a distinctive plastic flange that you will see on all regulated hams and, furthermore, corroborate this information on the label or band.
Every label must contain:
- The type of product: Ham or Shoulder.
- The type of food: Bellota, Cebo de Campo and Cebo.
- The degree of purity: 100% Iberian (pure animals) or Iberian (which includes all animals with 50% or 75% Iberian breed)
- The name of the company that has certified the product.
We have to contrast this information with the one that appears in the seal, which, in addition, will be differentiated by colors, namely:
- Black Seal: Bellota 100% Iberian. (The famous Pata Negra).
- Red Seal: Bellota Iberian. (Specifying if it is: 75% Iberian breed or 50% Iberian breed).
- Green Seal: 100% Iberian Cebo or Cebo de Campo. (Specifying if it is 75% Iberian breed or 50% Iberian breed).
- White Seal: 100% Iberian Cebo or Iberian Cebo. (Specifying if it is 75% Iberian breed or 50% Iberian breed).
As we have mentioned, these control measures were taken to boost the Iberian breed and the quality of its products, as well as to guarantee the consumer that the product they are going to buy corresponds to the quality appropriate to their range.
A ham without labels is a suspicious ham.
See you in the next post!