300 g of cooked chickpeas,
2 cloves garlic, 2 hot red peppers,
2 onions, 100 g of sausage Leon, chorizo
1 sprig of rosemary,
extra virgin olive oil,
pepper and salt
First itch the garlic cloves into thin sheets and put it in a pan with olive oil hot.
Chop onions into small dice and threw it to the pan when the garlic is beginning to be a little gold.
Spice it with salt and pepper.
We put a sprig of thyme and let it brown the onion over low heat.
Once the onion is well cooked, got the thyme and put cooked chickpeas, drained.
While the beans fry, cut a few slices of chorizo de Leon in small cubes, very small.
We put them in the pan and let it take colored plate of chorizo.